Enterprise Trial License Splunk

  1. Enterprise Trial License Splunk Search
  2. Splunk Accept License
  3. Splunk License Types
  4. Free Splunk License
  5. Splunk Enterprise License
  6. Splunk Development License

There is a Splunk Cloud version with a free trial if you are aiming to do some integration work and testing. Finally, like all monitoring tools, Splunk offers AI and machine learning for even better predictive analytics. Cons Splunk is expensive and probably not for smaller startup companies. Use this AMI to take Splunk for a test drive, or as the basis for your Enterprise-level deployment. The Splunk Enterprise AMI ships with a fully-featured trial license that is valid for 60 days after launch. After the trial expires, your deployment will default to Splunk Free. Which license type allows 500MB/day of indexing, but disables alerts, authentication, cluster, distributed search, summarization, and forwarding to non-Splunk servers? Forwarder license c. Enterprise license d. Enterprise trial license 3. What can be used when setting the host field option on a network input? Only developers with active Splunk Enterprise Security entitlements, or who are members of a Splunk Partner program, can test ES integrations with a trial license. Other apps and add-ons can provide additional data, knowledge management, and operational intelligence to Splunk Enterprise Security specific to certain technologies or use cases.

Installing a Splunk Enterprise License

The Splunk Docker image supports the ability to bring your own Enterprise license. By default, the image includes the ability to use up to the trial license. Please see the documentation for more information on what additional features and capabilities are unlocked with a full Enterprise license

There are primarily two different ways to apply a license when starting your container: either through a file/directory volume-mounted inside the container, or through an external URL for dynamic downloads. The environment variable SPLUNK_LICENSE_URI supports both of these methods.


Path to file

We recommend using Docker Secrets to manage your license. However, in a development environment, you can also specify a volume-mounted path to a file.

If you plan on using secrets storage, the initial step must be to create that secret. In the case of using Docker, you can run:

Please refer to these separate docker-compose.yml files for how to use secrets or direct volume mounts:

docker-compose.yml - with secret</summary><p>


docker-compose.yml - with volume mount</summary><p>


You should be able to bring up your deployment with the Splunk license automatically applied with the following command:

Download via URL

Splunk Accept License

If you plan on hosting your license on a reachable file server, you can dynamically fetch and download your license from the container. This can be an easy way use a license without pre-seeding your container’s environment runtime with various secrets/files.

Please refer to the following compose file for how to use a URL:

docker-compose.yml - with URL</summary><p>



You should be able to bring up your deployment with the Splunk license automatically applied with the following command:

Splunk Free license

Not to be confused with an actual free Splunk enterprise license, but Splunk Free is a product offering that enables the power of Splunk with a never-expiring but ingest-limited license. By default, when you create a Splunk environment using this Docker container, it will enable a Splunk Trial license which is good for 30 days from the start of your instance. With Splunk Free, you can create a full developer environment of Splunk for any personal, sustained usage.

To bring up a single instance using Splunk Free, you can run the following command:

Splunk License Types

Using a license master

Free Splunk License

When starting up a distributed Splunk deployment, it may be inefficient for each Splunk instance to apply/fetch the same license. Luckily, there is a dedicated Splunk role for this - splunk_license_master. For more information on what this role is, please refer to Splunk documentation on license masters.

Please refer to the following compose file for how to bring up a license master:

Splunk Enterprise License

docker-compose.yml - license master</summary><p>


Note that in the above, only the license master container lm1 needs to download and apply the license. When the standalone so1 container comes up, it will detect (based off the environment variable SPLUNK_LICENSE_MASTER_URL) that there is a central license master, and consequently add itself as a license slave to that host.

Splunk Development License

Using a remote instance

Alternatively, you may elect to create your Splunk environment all within containers but host the license master externally such that it can be used by multiple teams or organizations. These images support this type of configuration, through the following example:

Note that it’s possible to use a different protocol and port when supplying the license master URL. If scheme and port are not provided, the playbooks fall back to using https and the 8089 Splunk Enterprise management port.