Sims 3 Custom Worlds

  • Requires Sims 3 + SHO + UNI Lot Size: 30x20 Furnished: $26,112 Stories: 2 Other: Students attending a custom University in their home world will appreciate the facilities available at the Evansdale Student Union. This building has chess and a grill out on the patio.
  • Mod The Sims is one of the largest Sims 2, Sims 3 and Sims 4 custom content websites, providing quality free downloads, tutorials, help and modding discussions. 4,233 users active in 24 hours 226,604 files available 1003 tutorials online 417,216 threads 4,642,034 posts.
  1. Sims 3 Custom Worlds 2020
  2. 3 Ways To Install Sims 3 On PC - WikiHow
  3. Sims 3 Custom Worlds Base Game

Info and download links for Riverside


Riverside is a large-sized, populated Late Night world that has many districts, each with a very distinct look and feel. The districts are: 1) downtown 2) beach 3) entertainment 4) country 5) suburban and 6) low income/industrial.

Sims 3 Custom Worlds “ Well, I wasn’t originally planning on releasing this, but since so many of you requested this how could I not? First I must warn everyone, this was my first redux ever and I never truly got around.

  • Riverside requires the following EPs: Late Night, Pets, Ambitions, Generations, Seasons, World Adventures and Showtime.
  • It also requires the following world from the Sims 3 Store: Riverview.
  • Riverside is completely CC-free! However, it may include some Registration Rewards content from Ambitions, Late Night, World Adventures, Generations, Showtime, Seasons and Pets
  • Riverside has 180 lots and is 114 MB total. Because of this, it’s not recommended for computers that can’t handle large worlds.
  • This world has been tagged as a Late Night world, so it won’t spawn any wild life.
Sims 3 Custom Worlds
Known Issues
  • Because Riverside is a large world with many families and 180 lots, I really wouldn’t recommend it for low end computers. Make sure you have plenty of memory, or just lower your graphics settings to offset lag.
  • I set a lot of community lots to “no visitors.” I heartily suggest keeping them off until you add several more families. Otherwise, you will find many of your venues empty.
  • I noticed that on rare occasion, sims will get stuck on the wooden black bridge. If that happens, just use the cheat, “resetsim” to send him or her back home.
  • Some of the snow looks “blocky” in the winter season. Ugly, I know, but there’s not much I can do about it.
Mirror Link: Download at Google Drive (no login or registration needed)

Instructions for installing these worlds into your Sims 3 game are available here:


Please make sure you have the complete patch for The Sims 3 before using our Worlds.

For more information about patching your game, advice for users who have been unable to patch or have invalid file errors:

There are a number of details given about each world to help you decide whether or not you wish to download it. You can also find general and technical information about our worlds here:

There may be additional hidden lots which are used for the purposes of decorating the world or even housing some surprise adventures for your Sims.

Higher numbers of spawners, tree clusters, effects and world decor demand more from your computer, and especially your graphics card, than one with few. The totals are marked in green, orange or red for low, medium or high. The quantities chosen for each group are based on extensive research and feedback other world builders have had from players.

Sims 3 custom worlds not showing up

Sims 3 Custom Worlds 2020

A world where the majority of these items are marked in orange and red, or just red will probably be unsuitable for computers which are close to or at the minimum system requirements for The Sims 3

3 Ways To Install Sims 3 On PC - WikiHow

Each world is designed to avoid as many potential routing problems as possible. A routing problem means that Sims get stuck and cannot exit their current location until they are reset. This causes the game to lag, and will worsen the more Sims are affected. NPC Sims can get stuck in elevators and subways, which is why they too are listed in the information provided. The fewer there are of these, the lower the chance of Sims becoming stuck (and fewer stuck Sims) therefore hopefully less game lag.

Sims 3 Custom Worlds Base Game

The worlds you'll find here have been tested thoroughly but worlds are very complex items. It is always possible that a problem or two has slipped through, hopefully these are trivial, but if you do find something serious please let us know:

Please note ALL worlds are prone to break at some point, including the ones that ship with the game. A catastrophic failure may well be due to a game bug, corrupt cache or script files, it might be caused by other custom content you've installed, or be broken by a newly released game patch.

The following external links are recommended for general problems with The Sims 3:

We also suggest looking at using some of the mods provided by NRaaS Industries.

There are a selection of global mods which tune how the game handles a huge number of things, everything from Story Progression, to tidying up the cars that spawn on community parking spots (Overwatch). There are a some which particularly help with the diagnosis and prevention of game crashes for the more technically minded player, to extend the lifespan of your current game.