Wifi Password Cracker For Windows 7 Free Download

Internet has become one of the most important requirement of today’s life. In fact, for some of us, it is the source of income. With the increasing use of Internet and handy devices like smartphone and tablet and other smart gadgets that make use of internet almost all the things are made available online in digital form.

Download Wifi Password. Free and safe download. Download the latest version of the top software, games, programs and apps in 2020. Also run on Windows 8 to recover WEP, WPA, WPA2 WiFi WPS password keys. Best advanced software to boot up on the Windows 7 platform for performing professional WiFi Penetration testing for WPA WPA2 WPS keys. It is also supported if you are running Windows 8.0 / 8.1 / 10.0. WiFi Password recovery on Windows 7 / 10 with advanced software.

Free Free Wifi Password Recovery APK Apps Latest Download For PC Windows 7/8/10/XP. Do you often forget the password the wifi network you connected before? Or do you want to tell your friends the password of the network you are connecting to? Ophcrack is a free open source tool that is designed for Windows, Mac, and some other.

Gone are the days when people used to stay connected with others using their Internet data pack, To access Internet you need your laptop, desktop or smartphone.

This is the reason people prefer to have wireless connection in homes and offices in order to connect all the devices and work efficiently. Even in your neighbor, school, college or office premises, you must have encountered Wi-Fi networks but it is true that you can’t use them unless you have the correct WiFi password of it. Most of the networks are secured with password key so that no person other than authorized ones could use or access it for free.

Must visit: How To Find Out WiFi Password Of Your WiFi Network

I know how it feels when you are close to any Internet connection and can’t access it because of that password. Even if your own network is down, you desperately want to connect to neighboring Wi-Fi network in order to carry out the tasks.

But can you do anything to get past this? Can you access any Wi-Fi network without password? Well, yes if it is done through good Wi-Fi password cracker software. So, we are going to know about the best software for your Windows PC or laptop to crack Wi-Fi password. Let’s have a look.

Top 5 Wi-Fi Password Cracker Software for Windows

1. Aircrack

Aircrack is one of the most popular wireless password cracking tools that provides 802.11a/b/g WEP and WPA cracking. The software uses best algorithms to recover the password of any wireless network by capturing packets, once the enough packets from any wireless network gathered; the software tries to recover the password.

Aircrack works well with Windows, Linux, OS X, Open BSD, NetBSD, Solaris and more.

2. Smartkey WiFi Password Recovery

This is actually a Wifi password recovery app but you can use WiFi Password recovery as a hacking software to hack WiFi password of a WiFi connection. It is a very powerful WiFi password hacking tool for Windows. The software claims to crack any type of high security WiFi password.

The software provides 5 different attack methods to crack password of a WiFi. The attaks are: dictionary attack, word attack, mask attack, combination attack and hybrid attack to crack the WiFi password.

The dictionary attack tries every word from the dictionary to crack the password. Word attack tries all the anagrams and mutations of a word. Mask attack is used when you have some knowledge of the WiFi password. For example, the length of password, starting letter, ending letter, number of vowels, etc.

Combination attack uses all possible mutations of two words and the hybrid attack tries all the mutations of the dictionary. You can even provide more than one dictionary to crack the WiFi password.

3. Kismet

Kismet is a network detector, packet sniffer and intrusion detection software for 802.11 wireless LANs that supports raw monitoring mode and sniff 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n traffic.

Kismet sniffs and captures packets of wireless network in order to determine username and password. You can also use Kismet to identify hidden network and sniff into other connected systems as Kismet features the ability to detect default or non-configured networks and determine what level of wireless decryption needs to be done on a given access point.

Kismet comes with three separate parts, drone to collect the packets of any wireless network, server in connection with drone to interpret packet data and extrapolating wireless information and the client that communicates with server and displays all the information collected by server.

4. AirSnort

AirSnort is a wireless LAN tool which cracks encryption keys on 802.11b WEP networks. This software works well with Linux and Microsoft Windows for decrypting WEP encryption on 802.11b network. AirSnort saves data in two formats. First, all the packets captured by AirSnort is saved in pcap dump file. It also saves data to capture session in the form of crack files.

Running AirSnort is quiet easy, once launched AirSnort must be configured to work with wireless NIC so that it could make attempts to crack password. AirSnort operates by passively monitoring the entire transmissions and computing the encryption key as soon as enough packers are gathered.

5. NetStumbler

NetStumbler basically known as Network Stumbler is Windows tool that detects 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g wireless LANs. NetStumbler is used to verify wireless network configuration, detecting cause of wireless interface, detecting unauthorized access points, wardriving, finding location with poor network security and more.

NetStumbler comes with a little disadvantage that it can be easily detected by most of the wireless intrusion detection system.

Do you know about any better WiFi password cracker software? Let me know through comments.

Windows is a computer operating system that is coded by Microsoft. Majority of individual and businesses use Windows operating system because of its flexibility and clean user interface. It is very frustrating as well as nightmare experience when you forget your Windows password. Forgetting Windows password causes lots of problems if the user is not proactive. It is not an easy task to crack Windows 7 password especially when you don’t have computer knowledge.

On the internet, there are numerous of Windows 7 password crack tools available. People face difficulty while choosing best of them. Don't worry if you are seeking for best password cracking tools for windows 7 then, read this article carefully.

Part 1. Top 5 Windows 7 Pssword Cracker Software

#1. Ophcrack

Ophcrack is a free open source tool that is designed for Windows, Mac, and some other operating systems. It is a great tool to crack windows 7 password in just a few steps. This application is coded with an advanced algorithm that makes it better than other Windows 7 password crack tools. Thanks to its simple and clean user interface, there is no need for any special computer skill to use this application. The main reason behind the popularity of this password cracker tool is free of cost. You can download it for free from their official website at free of cost.

• It is compatible with Windows, Linux/Unix, and, Mac operating system.
• Unlike many other tools, this application is graphical user interface based.
• Free tables are available for Windows 7/Vista and XP.

• It is not compatible with Windows 10, 8.1, and 8.
• Ophcrack is identifying as a harmful program by some Antivirus software.
• This tool only has a capability to crack password less than 14 characters.
• You have to download LiveCD ISO image before being used.

#2. John the Ripper

John the Ripper is free open source Windows 7 password crack software. This tool is designed for individuals and commercial use. There are some unique features available in John the Ripper that makes it better than others. It is the best tool to recover lost password on Windows. It is available for Unix, Windows, DOS, and open VMS. This tool has a capability to detect weak password without any problem.

• Getting engaging with this tool, the user can easily make custom wordlist file.
• One can also specify permutation rules by using this password recovery tool.
• This is currently compatible with Windows, Unix, Open VMS, and DOS.
• You can download it for from the official portal of John the Ripper at free of cost.

• This tool is free of cost but still there some feature that you have to pay. You have to pay for wordlist file to discover the cracked password.
• It is not GUI based, the user has to type commands manually to crack Windows 7 password.

#3. Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor is a Windows 7 password crack tool. There are loads of features available in this tools that make it better than others. Getting engaging with this password recovery tool, you can easily crack lost password from your Windows device. There are lots of tools available on the web that deletes your lost password instead of recovering it. Once you launched this application your computer, you can log in to your windows account without typing password.

• Unlike most of the password recovery tools, it recovers password with the fast speed.
• The ISO image is very small in size as compared to other password recovery tools.

• The user has to burn ISO image to a compact disk before a password can be reset.
• Unlike most of the tools, it is completely text based which is little difficult to use.

#4. LCP

LCP is one of the best Windows 7 password crack tools that are available on the web. Engaging with LCP password recovery tool, you can crack Windows 7 password without any problem. This is effective password auditing tool that has the capability to recover password from any Windows computer. Its advanced algorithm makes it faster as compared to others. you just have to install this tool on your computer and launch it to crack the password.

• LCP windows 7 password crack tool is available for free to download. The user just has to visit their official website.
• It performs various attacks to recover lost password including dictionary attack, brute force attack, or a hybrid attack.
• It is fully compatible with Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, and Windows 7.

• It is not compatible with the latest version of Windows i.e. Windows 10.
• The user interface of this tool is very complex. Most of the user face problem while using this tool.

#5. Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel is a password recovery tool that is designed for Microsoft Windows operating system. This tool allows the user to crack password without facing any problem. Its clean user interface and easy to use tool enable the user to recover password even you are not professional in the computer.

• Like many other tools, it is also available at free of cost.
• There are loads of ways to crack password using Cain and Abel.
• The process of password recovery is faster as compared to other tools.

• The user has to install the program on your computer to crack the password.
• It is not fully compatible with Windows 8, 8.1, and Windows 10.
• There are some hacking tools available in Cain and Abel that are very complex for normal users.
• You have to download Rainbow Tables from other websites before performing the recovery process.

Part 2. How to Crack Windows 7 Password Without the Software

Facing problem while installing third-party password crack tool on your computer? Don’t worry! There are some other ways that help you to recover password without installing any third party software. In Windows operating system there is a feature of “Reset Password Disk” to recover a lost password. This is a really handy feature if you forget your Windows 7 computer password. This is one of the best-integrated Window 7 password crack tools that are available.


Step by Step Guide to Crack Windows 7 Password without a Software

Step 1: First of all, turn on your computer and enter the wrong password on the login screen.

Step 2: Login failed dialog box will appear, you have to click on 'Reset Password'.

Step 3: Once the above process completed, welcome to password reset wizard window will appear. Click on 'Next' button.

Step 4: Now, you have to insert the password reset disk and choose the disk. Hit on 'Next' button.

Step 5: Then, Reset the user account window will appear. You have to type a new password in the text field twice.

Download Free Wifi Password Hacker For Windows 7


Windows Password Cracker Download

Step 6: One can also add password hint to easily guess the password when you forget.

Step 7: Finally, log in to the administrator account with a new password.

Wifi Password Recovery Software For Windows 7 Free Download

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