Just a lilttle quick clip of how to solo Morphaz in ST, takes about 3-4 minutes, 20/31/0 spec (standard PVE MM build) - Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/. Sunken Temple Instance Walkthrough Guide - Joana's 1-60 Classic WoW Horde & Alliance Speed Leveling Guides-Introduction: The Sunken Temple is located in the Swamp of Sorrows, it is an instance designed for a 5-man party. It is definitely a place worth visiting when you are in the lvl 51-55 range, it is a really fun instance and the rewards are.
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Sunken Temple Class Quests In addition to faction quests, Sunken Temple has a bunch of Class specific quests. Wowhead Classic Guide writer Sh3rro put together a very detailed Classic Specific Quest guide to every dungeon. These quests are not available at Classic launch, and will likely be available in Phase 4.. Readmore ››
WoW Classic Sunken Temple (Temple of Atal'Hakkar) class quests are coming in Phase 3 along with Blackwing Lair. Some of these rewards are highly sought-after including Devilsaur Eye and Diamond Flask for PvE itemization, Soul Harvester for looks, Duskbat Drape for utility, and Whisperwalk Boots For PvP. Here is a full list of rewards:. Readmore ››
Escape will cancel and close the window. End of dialog window. All classes in Classic WoW had quests to learn iconic abilities and items, ranging from the Warrior Whirlwind Axe to Druid Aquatic Form. For this guide spotlight, we're highlighting guides to important class quests, including Sunken Temple, by Sh3rro!. Readmore ››
Alliance Sunken Temple Quest Wow Classic
Welcome to Wowhead's quest guide for the Classic WoW dungeon, Temple of Atal'Hakkar (Sunken Temple). Located deep within Swamp of Sorrows is The Temple of Atal'Hakkar, also commonly referred to as the Sunken Temple, a shrine constructed for the ancient blood god, Hakkar, who players eventually encounter in Zul'Gurub.. Readmore ››